Use the following iptables command to rate limit connections per IP. This is useful for preventing a DDoS attack on DNS servers. However, for DDoS protection for your DNS servers, you should be hosting DNS with the big cloud providers like Cloudflare, or running dnsdist in front of your authoritive servers.
Category: DNS
Fix DNS after upgrading to Ubuntu Server 20.04
The way DNS is configured in Ubuntu has become overly complicated in the last few versions. Insteadof configuring /etc/network/interfaces, it is now configured using Netplan. But sometimes thatdoesn’t even work because DNS is ultimately controlled by systemd-resolv. systemd-resolvgenerates /etc/resolv.conf and the default stub DNS uses a local resolver to resolve DNShostnames. For some reason, after…
Install PowerDNS with PowerDNS-Admin
There are several places where you will need to choose a custom value, such as password. Pleasekeep that in mind. Update Ubuntu Install MariaDB Run MySQL security Login to MySQL as root We will now create the powerdns table. Use the following commands within the MySQL console line byline. Disable systemd-resolved. Replace resolv.conf. Install PowerDNS…