… or to see what files the process has opened.
Useful wget examples
This is useful for mirroring directories such as Linux download directories. –recursive – downloads every directory–no-clobber – do not replace files–domains – limit download to a certain domain or sub-domain–R “index.html” – don’t save index.html files
Quick time server set up on HP/Aruba switches
This is a quick configuration of setting a time server on Aruba/HP switches. Enable sntp. Specify how to get to your time server. If your DHCP server specifies an SNTP server in it’s leases, then you didn’t really have to go throughthis. Specify the time server. Replace IP.IP.IP.IP with your server IP. Set the timezone….
Manage Mayan EDMS in Docker
docker exec -ti mayan-edms /bin/bash cd /opt/mayan-edms/bin Execute ./mayan-edms.py to get a list of available commands
Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04 Upgrade Notes
Upgrading might break your local resolver, DNSMasq. When you issue the command systemctl status dnsmasq, you might get an error that looks something like, dnsmasq: cannot access /etc/dnsmasq.d/lxd: No such file or directory. DNSMasq does not start because it cannot find this file. This file is simply a dangling symlink that needs to be removed,…
Fix DNS after upgrading to Ubuntu Server 20.04
The way DNS is configured in Ubuntu has become overly complicated in the last few versions. Insteadof configuring /etc/network/interfaces, it is now configured using Netplan. But sometimes thatdoesn’t even work because DNS is ultimately controlled by systemd-resolv. systemd-resolvgenerates /etc/resolv.conf and the default stub DNS uses a local resolver to resolve DNShostnames. For some reason, after…
Install PowerDNS with PowerDNS-Admin
There are several places where you will need to choose a custom value, such as password. Pleasekeep that in mind. Update Ubuntu Install MariaDB Run MySQL security Login to MySQL as root We will now create the powerdns table. Use the following commands within the MySQL console line byline. Disable systemd-resolved. Replace resolv.conf. Install PowerDNS…
How to resolve incorrect time with Windows Domain Controller
The Domain Controller should be the definitive source for time for the entire Windows Domainnetwork. It needs to sync directly to NTP servers and not the hardware clock of the machine it’s onwhether it’s a virtual machine or a physical server. That means don’t set VMware Tools to sync time for the guest. There are…